Category «Uncategorized»

Tenderio workshop

14 September 2017 – Business Cloud Bratislava, Slovakia First national Tenderio workshop took place in September in Slovak capital Bratislava. Thanks to the cooperation with Business Cloud Bratislava, organizers used the cozy premises of the BC hub near the city center. Around ¾ of registered participants arrived, mostly consisting of company CEOs, startupers, but also …

How to search for public tenders

Government, municipal and other public bodies make up a substantial part of aggregate demand for products and services in a number of sectors. Energy, construction, green solutions, security and waste are just a few. Businesses are more or less familiar with local (national) ways of tendering. Nowadays, it is rare to see the once common …

Brexit & UK Public Procurement

An article by Mike Barnes ( The Single European Market Act came into force at the end of December 1992. As far as Public Procurement was concerned in the UK, it meant that we had to follow the new public procurement rules, advertising contracts above a set threshold, throughout the European Economic Community. At the …

Tendering abroad? Why not!

Doing business with government is always a very delicate matter. There are usually two scenarios. Either you try it in a country with – let’s put it mildly – less developed institutions. Then, the stink of corruption always sticks to your business, no matter how clean you try to be. Luckily, most developed countries have …

Save the date: „Existujú aj férové a vyhrateľné verejné tendre. V zahraničí.”

Vážení podnikatelia a podnikateľky, Prosím poznačte si termín pripravovaného workshopu „Sú aj férové a vyhrateľné verejné tendre. V zahraničí.” Presvedčime vás, že verejné tendre nemusia byť o známostiach Ukážeme vám, ako rozšíriť svojich zákazníkov o verejný sektor Vyskúšate si nástroje, ktoré vás spoja s klientami a partnermi po celom svete Predstavíme vám medzinárodný projekt Tenderio, víťaza grantu COSME, ktorého cieľom …